Cardano Blockchain NFTs

Cardano Clocks are generated using code stored entirely on the Cardano blockchain so you will never lose access to your clock. Preview images are also stored on the peer to peer Interplanetary File System network (IPFS) for easy access.

Collection One: Analog

A collection of x unique analog clocks will be minted, with different styles of clock face, hands, time markers and more, including rare clock faces such as algorithmically generated animations or images

Reuseable HTML5 code

Each clock is generated from canvas code so that can be used inside any HTML5 compatible page or application.

Animated backgrounds

Some clocks have animated backgrounds using web gl shader code.

The Refresh mashups

Some clock backgrounds use my The Refresh NFTs

Aw0k3n algorithms mashups

Some clock backgrounds use my Aw0k3n algorithm NFTs

Custom minting

Some special NFTs will be minted as tokens allowing the owner to request a background of their own The Refresh or Aw0k3n algorithm!